Aquathermal optimization model

To date, the rollout of aquathermal heating & cooling in Flanders has been rather difficult and unstructured, mainly due to limited and incomplete regulations, technical knowledge/studies and pilot projects. Existing software packages are able to model river flows accurately, but their intensive calculations mean that typically only small parts of a river can be modelled. Therefore, a smart model is needed which uses river data in a generic way to quickly and flexibly map entire rivers, including the ability to optimize aquathermal installations to various desired parameters. With this model, EXTRAQT introduces an automated design methodology to obtain the best synergy between aquathermal heating & cooling for the end user and insuring the river’s ecosystem.
To date, the rollout of aquathermal heating & cooling in Flanders has been rather difficult and unstructured, mainly due to limited and incomplete regulations, technical knowledge/studies and pilot projects. Existing software packages are able to model river flows accurately, but their intensive calculations mean that typically only small parts of a river can be modelled. Therefore, a smart model is needed which uses river data in a generic way to quickly and flexibly map entire rivers, including the ability to optimize aquathermal installations to various desired parameters. With this model, EXTRAQT introduces an automated design methodology to obtain the best synergy between aquathermal heating & cooling for the end user and insuring the river’s ecosystem.
Interested in an aquathermal installation? Read more on our approach on why an aquathermal system migh be interesting for your water body!